Weight Loss UAE

Basic Principle of Fat Loss

Basic Principle of Fat Loss

The basic principle of Fat loss is to maintain a calorie deficit, i.e. calorie intake should be less than the calories burned. The aim is to decrease the calories consumed and to increase the calories burned as much as possible, within comfortable limits.

I-Decrease Calorie Intake.

The first step is to calculate the ‘maintenance calories’ required daily, to maintain the weight without any gain or loss whatsoever. An easy way to estimate it, is by multiplying body weight in pounds by 14 for males and 13 for females. This is maintenance for a sedentary lifestyle and does not take into consideration additional calories for exercise or activities. The second step is to take in 200-300 calories less than this per day to create a modest calorie deficit.

II-Increase Calories Burned.

This can be achieved in three ways :

1-Increase Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

BMR is the basic energy required to keep body functioning at rest. It is genetically determined but can be affected by other factors. It decreases with age mainly due to decrease in the lean muscle mass (total body weight minus fat). Lean muscle mass is directly proportional to strength and increasing strength can help to maintain high BMR.

2-Increase Exercise.

This includes all cardio, sports activities and workouts.

3-Increase Spontaneous Activity (NEAT*).

This includes all involuntary movements like fidgeting and activities of daily living like, moving around, sitting, standing, etc. This does not include any workouts, cardio or sports.

  • *NEAT: Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis 

BMI Calculator

Valid for age 20 or older.
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